Q4 2020 Tactical Asset Allocation

As we start the fourth quarter, the major U.S. stock market averages hover around a 0% return for the year. That unexciting performance masks extraordinary volatility — a 35% February-March decline and a 50% March-August bounce back. Other assets demonstrated similar volatility (graph, next page). Through September 30, Long-term U.S. Treasury bonds returned over 20%, and Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate U.S. Bond Index returned 6.5%. Short-term T-Bills returned about 0.7%, and gold is up 24%. Volatility again ruled the roost in 2020, and diversified portfolios generally did better than all stock portfolios.
As we head into the final quarter of 2020, we update our tactical and long-run outlook. Please click below to read the full report.